[devblog] Mansion Court and Hair Physics

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[devblog] Mansion Court and Hair Physics

Post by WongKit »


It's time for a mid-sized update! With version 0.9.4, The Mansion is now available as the first indoor court in Pixel Tennis. It is the most detailed court yet and should set a baseline for the games graphical capabilities. You can select it in multiplayer mode or play it in singleplayer, after you reached a certain level.

Pixel-Tennis-Mansion-Preview.jpg (234.7 KiB) Viewed 11922 times
Pixel-Tennis-Mansion-Preview-2.jpg (281.78 KiB) Viewed 11922 times

If you played Pixel Tennis for some time, you might have noticed one of the random loading screen texts, which said "Now with improved hair physics". This was intended to be some nonsense, when the player models were basic pills. Now, the game actually supports hair physics - because... why not?

*wiggle wiggle*

Did you see this hair style? No? It is already available since the previous update. It is one of the special items, which has a secret unlock condition.
Pixel-Tennis-Secret-Hair-Style.png (9.09 KiB) Viewed 11922 times
As there is - at the time of writing - only 1 player besides me, that unlocked it, I want to give a small hint:
- Everyone can obtain this item right away
- Everyone can see, that only 2 players (currently) fulfilled the unlock condition
Happy hunting!

Last, but not least a big THANKS to Jan (S4ndf1re), who implemented a tennis rule, which was missing until now (and always bothered me for no real reason). Players now correctly change their court sides after every odd set!

As always, every feedback is welcome. If you find bugs or have a suggestion – don’t hesitate to let me know!
Somehow related to an online tennis game.
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