Old FT screenshots

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Old FT screenshots

Post by KarlaGrey »

Just for nostalgia's sake....
Came across this lovely group pic (rl photos, which were originally under the ig characters, are cut out here for privacy's sake) of Revolution members. (right click --> view image for a larger image)
Rev lineup
Rev lineup
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by KarlaGrey »

Almost forgot this compilation of local chat drama....I hope you're not still as hateful @Yuri :shock:
Harun mad.png
Harun mad.png (1.82 MiB) Viewed 38258 times
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by EpsiIon »

too sad i formated and switched pcs too often to even have any of those goldnuggets to show u guys :D! but keep em cimming :ugeek:
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by KarlaGrey »

I feel ya...I have more on my old discs in previous PCs, but not being very computer savvy, I doubt I can ever extract the HDDs from those :(.
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by YuriSama1337 »

xdddd HAHAHAHHAHAHA "So ist meine Natur" :^) XD

Caelum Drama? Or hmm i dont remember the Clubname.
i m more embarrassed now, thn filled with Hate :oops: :oops:
what was the trigger? xD i rly forget that, just in general hate or somethng happned there? o:

@EpsIon we stay tuned, :^)
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by KarlaGrey »

Can't remember, either. Prolly just your 'Natur' clashing against mine ;)
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by Tsukoyomi »

the feels ... :( seeing galmas and chaihang ... best games ever vs those 2 fellas with my buddy dervail. :(
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by YuriSama1337 »

"Clash" Very carefully formulated ;)

noticed that, slightly.

Meoooooooooow i m impressed, that u still hold a grudge against me xdddd

i want cats like that.. the left one is so adoreable..ԅ(♡﹃♡ԅ) fuck offf want both ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ)
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by Tsukoyomi »

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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by YuriSama1337 »

e84a311f3d603bb5e093cb30bf2f2071--triggered-meme-girl-memes.jpg (23.15 KiB) Viewed 38225 times

FReeEzZzZzEe LaGgg pls PoinTtTt BaCKKKkKKKK
https-%2F%2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fuploads%2Fcard%2Fimage%2F498047%2F377da321-b088-4497-8d52-4fad8bbf47ca.jpg (89.79 KiB) Viewed 38224 times
plZzZzzzz rly my FinGer frozen freEeZe
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by KarlaGrey »

Hey, I'm not the one posting walls of text in an attempt to trash talk me after how many years now. If you feel offended by the screenshot do say so, and I'll remove it immediately.
I'm quite a cordial and nice person, and don't lash out at people for no reason. However if you cannot handle a bit of teasing for old times' sake, then perhaps you have indeed regressed from a douche to a douchy turd in these past few years. :(
p.s. Calling it a clash was simply accurate. If I was to be discreet, I'd say we just had a couple of misunderstandings that led to some sparks flying around.

@Tsukoyomi, I actually have galmy on skype, I'm not sure how interested he is in gaming still, however. Will post the link to here next time I see him.
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by YuriSama1337 »

Its sometimes required to text that much xD, to make sure, that ur not ignoring the points i did, to avoid a "Catfight" that u try to begin secretly. There we go, u just shown us the obvious proof, that ur just aiming to start a new "Drama" XD but hell, not with me. Which part of my reaction, convince u to think, that i m actually have a Problem with ur Picture about me, i mean i was laughing? Yikes. :mrgreen:

Where does the indignation come from its so surprising ;) ? i mean, i m struggling now, seems like u went from "a Cordial Person to a Witch by time to time as long as it suits you. yea ur nice in ur special way i guess no offense, evrybody is special. i Trashtalked u in the sake of the good old Times too,! Topic : Introduce yourself

But seems like ur "not"able to get it intentionally or not? I do not take it upon myself :^) xdd, Happens by time to time. Thats why i m here and leading u to the truth slowly. u dont have to get emotional, its evrything cool between us, as long as u not decide to explore ur inner smelly nasty Witch. ur extraordinary clunky with ur mindset, decide between Ying or Yang pls, Witch or Cordial Person with Teakwandoo Set :mrgreen: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD holy fking ur raising my good mood i luv it xd *bites ur nose gently and blushes* >/////< i m just joking friendly banter. :3. ;)
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by KarlaGrey »

Start a catfight? Owell, I was expecting a 'yea, that shit was funny as fk' (which it was, make no mistake) reaction, but I guess it's not quite water under bridge for some yet.
Don't blame me if it was the only few screenshots I had next to the group pic one, though. :|
Instead of instigating things I am supposedly 'trying to start', why don't you just post some old screenshots yourself, provided you've managed to keep any from so long ago.
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by YuriSama1337 »

The thing is, i dont have any, only Pics from my Inventory and only some of my Charas :cry:

yea that shit was funny as fk XD xddddddd my German was on fleek, like my godlike english right now
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by KarlaGrey »

Well, post the charas then? sheesh
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by YuriSama1337 »

Not sure if its compareable with the Funny shit u guys already.. posted
but lets go.... xdddd
20121117_1529_07_653.jpg (153.11 KiB) Viewed 38200 times
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THE GOOD OLD Lob Gloves loved them <3
20121117_1517_59_447.jpg (131.74 KiB) Viewed 38200 times
Psssht... pants were bugged 6+ extra WIL :3 or more idk remember clearly.. xD
20121117_1519_43_967.jpg (93.41 KiB) Viewed 38200 times
Yea dont ask me how my Acc survived....
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by YuriSama1337 »

20121117_1519_24_948.jpg (156.05 KiB) Viewed 38199 times

Hmmm :lol: :lol:
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by KarlaGrey »

So many souls. :shock:
Have to admit I always enjoyed watching 5+ souls fly over to a guardian. It felt strangely satisfying... Ah man, the pve in this game was pretty fun, too................
Awesome pics.
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by Tsukoyomi »


edit: when i think about it ... jesus christ i used to do so many shady things LOL ... trading AP items and bugged items and gold hacking and ap hacking hell fucking yeah. l :twisted:
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Re: Old FT screenshots

Post by Tsukoyomi »

KarlaGrey wrote: Tue Feb 06, 2018 6:02 pm @Tsukoyomi, I actually have galmy on skype, I'm not sure how interested he is in gaming still, however. Will post the link to here next time I see him.
awesome ! he should contact chaihang too if possible ! and if some1 has the chance to contact Dervail get him on here aswell !
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