I am glad to announce that Milestone 1 is here! This means, that Pixel Tennis got to a state which I would consider as “playable”. Surely, there are still a ton of visuals missing and it is far from being feature complete, but it already makes kinda fun.
Actual 1on1 and 2on2 matches were also successfully tested internally, although they are not part of the video.
Now, it is time for you to get your hands on the game! As noted in [devblog] Pixel Tennis at the end of 2019, there are specified time spans where you will be able to play. The reason is not to annoy you, but to load test the game server and to get more people playing at the same time. See the list below for upcoming schedules. If everything went well, this restriction will be removed later.
Pixel Tennis game server online
- Thursday, 20.02.2020 from 18:00 to 20:00 CET
- Sunday, 23.02.2020 from 16:00 to 18:00 CET
- Wednesday, 04.03.2020 from 18:00 to 20:00 CET
- Sunday, 08.03.2020 from 16:00 to 18:00 CET
- Friday, 10.04.2020 to Monday, 13.04.2020 20:00 CET
- Sunday, 31.05.2020 from 16:00 to 20:00 CET
- regular test runs starting from 14.06.2020, see announcement
Currently, Pixel Tennis does not feature a shop or an inventory system, so there are some changes in the RPG logic. First of all, you will receive two attribute points per gained level instead of one to compensate for missing equipment. Second, your available special shot is based on your player level.
- Level 1 - 3: Power Shot
- Level 4 - 6: Eagle Shot
- Level 7 - 9: Banana Shot
- Level 10 - 12: Mole Shot
- Level 11 - 15: Snake Shot
- Level 16+: Dragon Shot
More than 2 years passed since the official announcement of the project and lots of hours were put into creating the game. So if you had the chance to play Pixel Tennis, please take a moment to post your honest feedback in the feedback section. It does not matter if your opinion is positive, negative or mixed, if you want to focus on gameplay, visuals, performance or other areas. Every response I get will help to improve the game further.
I am very excited to see how the game is received.