Hey There, its Tsukoyomi

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Hey There, its Tsukoyomi

Post by Tsukoyomi »

Hey Guys,

I am "Tsukoyomi" - Jan and 23 years old in a month, also living in germany.
I would describe myself as a very competitve person, thats why i also reached the highest rating on League of Legends and actually had plans to go pro, but when you remember me back in the day ... jeez ... i was so young and doing lots of childish shit but hey, i guess we all did :thinking:

Back in the old days you might remember me by the Nickname of Tsukoyomi/Epsilon (the one who actually played front). I dont know but to be honest i never had that "adrenaline rush" when a hard match in FT was about to start, not even when i started to play against acutal pros in league - playing FT just was the best for me and ive never had so much fun while competing, since then it has always been either fun or comepte - never both at the same time. I really miss that game, even tho it was, compared to the new and actually big games, a joke ... but yeah I think everyone where who loved ft knows what I am talking about...

I really have a good feeling about this project - WongKit seems like he is able to make our dreams come true, even during his full time job ... its pretty awesome who invested their free time for our community to get something similar back ... what we all love and miss ... If you have any questions feel free to ask !
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Re: Hey There, its Tsukoyomi

Post by WongKit »

Hi Tsu, thank you for your introduction and welcome to this board! Of course, I remember you from the good old FT times :)

You are right, FT never was a techical masterpiece compared to other big games, but it was so much fun. I d do not know if this was just because of our age or some "Früher war alles besser"-mentality, but I still found myself enjoy just testing ball phyrics for lobs and WIL powered slices.

About the adrenaline rush - well it was terrible back then for me ^^". Although I had not such a big competitive attitude, my hands got really cold when a match got intense at the end.
Somehow related to an online tennis game.
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