• Translation Guide
This is a quick guide on how to create or update an existing translation for Pixel Tennis. You can find all translation files in the game directory at \Pixel Tennis_Data\StreamingAssets\Languages\. They are named lang_xx.properties and can be viewed and edited with any basic text editor.

item.buy.unavailable=Item cannot be bought
This is a normal line, that is already translated. The item.buy.unavailable is the identifier for the translated text on the right side. The identifier must not be changed/translated.

item.buy.confirm=Do you really want\nto buy &1 for &2 gold?
Some translations can contain special characters, which have specific meanings when used in the game.
\n means, that there is a line break in the text. &1, &2 ... &9 are placeholders that are replaced with context independent information.


matchmission.charge.description=Press the hit button <b>early</b> before the ball reaches you....
Some lines can contain formatting options. <b>something</b> means, that the text "something" is shown in bold. You can translate the text between the <X> and </X>, but not the <X> itself.

#item.consume.confirm=Do you really want to use "&1"?
If a translation is missing, you can find the English version with a # in front of the line. Translate the text and remove the # at the front. After that, the game will recognize it.

After you finished translating, feel free to add yourself to the translators list. Notify me with the updated file and I will happily put it in the game after validation.

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